Skimming scanning
Skimming scanning

License: CC BY-NC: Attribution-NonCommercial Project: The Word on College Reading and Writing. Provided by: OpenOregon Educational Resources. Authored by: Carol Burnell, Jaime Wood, Monique Babin, Susan Pesznecker, and Nicole Rosevear. When you scan an article, simply keep in mind the type of information you’re looking for (statistic, date, name, fact). If the text is lengthy or difficult, a preliminary skimming may be necessary to determine which part of the article to scan. You don’t need to skim the whole article at this point you can scan to see whether or not you should move on to skimming and then reading the whole article. When you scan for information, you read only what is needed.įor example, if you’re researching reasons for bans on single-use plastic bags, you might scan articles to see if they contain statistics that will be useful to your purpose. If you see words or phrases that you don’t understand, don’t worry when scanning. Run your eyes over the text looking for the specific piece of information you need. S canning is used to find a particular piece of information or an answer to a specific question. The following video describes the skimming process and offers an extended example based on skimming an article in a professional, academic journal. (Main ideas are often presented at the start and end of a section of a non-fiction text.)

  • Read the first and last sentences of each section and/or paragraph to find that section’s main idea.
  • Look for idea relationships among highlighted information.

    skimming scanning

  • Read any highlighted information: subtitles and headings, information pulled out and put into boxes, images and their captions, italic or bold type.
  • Read the abstract, introduction, and/or first paragraph.
  • There’s a particular sequence to follow when you skim a text:

    skimming scanning

    It’s not essential to understand each word when skimming, since you’re reading to get the gist or main idea of the text, not to understand all of the details. When you skim a text, you run your eyes over the text, noting important information. Skimming is used to quickly gather the most important information. Skimming is a useful reading technique, especially if you’re reading possible sources for a research project, or if you’re preparing to read a lengthy text. Considering a title is a basic, initial step in active reading, as a clear title will help you think about a topic and relate it to your own experience, so that you start the process of conversing with the text. As a result of considering the title of the article, you might start considering your own food preferences in terms of nutrition, even before starting to read the article. You’d also expect to learn about the nutritional value of foods that are not obviously classified as “healthy,” such as dark chocolate, which contains a lot of minerals such as magnesium, iron, and zinc.

    skimming scanning

    For instance, imagine you’re reading a magazine article entitled “Hidden Nutrients in Unexpected Places.” You would expect the article to talk about different foods and their nutritional values. It’s always nice if titles are also interesting, catchy, or even clever, but the most important job of a title is to let the reader know what’s coming and what the text will be about.

    skimming scanning

    A good title will inform you about the text’s content.

    Skimming scanning